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Teaching-as-Research (TAR) involves the deliberate, systematic, and reflective use of research methods to develop and implement teaching practices that advance the learning experiences and outcomes of students and teachers. 

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Eligibility to Apply

JHU Affiliate’s that have completed the following prerequisites are eligible to apply to be considered:

  • Successfully completed Engaging in Educational Research (1-credit fall semester course)
  • Some form of pedagogical training (i.e., attended the 3-Day Teaching Institute, completed a teacher training course or the equivalent) 
  • Some teaching experience

This fellowship also requires an educational context to evaluate.  This can be your own course, a course that you assist a faculty with or an educational program. 

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Teaching-as-Research Fellowship Proposals are accepted following successful completion of the Engaging in Educational Research course. Learners successfully completing the course are invited to submit their proposals.

Note: if you hold a visa status sponsored by JHU, you must contact the Office of International Services ( to determine your eligibility to engage in paid teaching activities. Failure to do so could result in a violation of your visa status. 

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Resources to help develop your TAR projectCIRTL provides a number of resources and information on Teaching-as-Research…
Opportunities for disseminating your findingsThere are many avenues for disseminating your findings, here are just a few…
Institutional Review Board (IRB) ProcessThe Homewood Institutional Review Board (HIRB) application process is provided in this quick guide for instructors planning to conduct an educational research studyView PDF

2024 Fellows
Dr. Wenqi Cui, Senior Lecturer and Associate Director for Graduate Student Support in the University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesDr. Cui’s study seeks to explore how students transfer their writing knowledge across various disciplinary writing contexts, internships, and beyond throughout their college years.

The research questions under investigation are:
What writing concepts and strategies do students transfer to other disciplinary writing contexts and workplaces? and How do students transfer the writing concepts and strategies they’ve learned to other disciplinary writing contexts, and workplaces?
Dr. Richard Essam, Teaching Fellow, University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesThe UWP’s mission “is to help students become agile writers … Critically, agile
writers also know that writing is not a one-size-fits-all skill; successful writers learn to adapt their writing many times throughout their academic, professional, and personal lives.” Key to the success of this new approach to writing, then, is greater reflexion on how to
achieve this rhetorical agility.

Dr. Essam’s study explores the question, “How might we structure our courses and assignments in such a way as to foster in our students an ability to pivot from form to form to form, or genre to genre to genre, with greater ease and flexibility?
Kiara Quinn, PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering, School of MedicineKiara’s project aims to investigate questions that explore the nature of interdisciplinary collaboration; Will students’ attitude toward and confidence in their ability to collaborate across disciplines
improve after engaging in a learning exercise/intervention that makes the strengths and differences of each
discipline explicit? and, If students’ attitude and confidence improve, will this improvement in perception result in an improved ability to collaborate across disciplines?
Dr. Rebecca Wilbanks, Senior Lecturer and Associate Director for Writing in the Majors, University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesDr. Wilbanks study is investigating students writing experience at JHU by researching a number of questions including: What types of writing did students engage in during their undergraduate years and what kinds of support did they receive? How do students perceive their writing—as well as writing process, and feelings about
writing—to have changed during their undergraduate years? and, How do students conceive of the value and role of writing in their education? How much importance do they assign to developing writing skills, and to engaging in different kinds of writing?
2023 Fellows
Dr. Lomax Boyd, Assistant Research Professor, Berman Institute of BioethicsDr. Boyd’s investigation explored bioethics in the context of neuroscience education and researched several questions, including if inclusion of neuroethics impact student engagement or situational interest with instructional content? And to what extent does an integrated neuroscience-neuroethics curriculum support student deep-level engagement with core neuroscience concepts, compared to neuroscience-only instructional content?

Dr. Boyd’s published article:

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Dr. Anne-Elizabeth Brodsky, Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Director, University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesDr. Brodsky shares that “we know that low-stakes and reflective writing enable students’ metacognition; that metacognition makes it possible for students to transfer knowledge and skills from one setting to another; that writing powers learning, critical thinking, and self-knowledge.”

The question she is investigating in her research project is:
In the context of first-year writing courses, with their particular potency, can low-stakes writing assignments that embed ideas of movement and actual movement prompt students to lean into the ambiguity, growth, mess, dynamism that is the stuff of intellectual and the long path to adulthood?
Lopez Vega Fernando, PhD Student, Anthropology, School of Arts and SciencesLopez’s research examines how Orinoco River basin youth are navigating the rapid shift to a “green” energy model while living over the world’s largest proven oil reserves in the top oil- and gas-producing region in Colombia and Venezuela and amid the unfulfilled promises of fossil fuel progress (Coronil 1997; Dunning & Wirpsa 2004).

For this project he asks: How do riverine youth at the forefront of “green” energy future-making processes negotiate and contest their direction in the Colombian Orinoco?
Jia Yi Lee, Composer, DMA Student, Composition, Peabody Institute and Adjunct FacultyJia hypothesizes that the effectiveness of collaborative activities, as proven in other studies and genres of music, would be similarly effective when brought into the context of contemporary music, and that the applied element would help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of previously unfamiliar styles of music through active learning.

Her research question is: How does incorporating collaborative applied activities (e.g. performance, composition and improvisation) in the music theory classroom encourage student engagement and increase learning outcomes in the understanding of contemporary classical music?
Dr. Carly Schnitzler, Lecturer, University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesThis project explores the utility of large language models (LLMs) as a tool to better understand markers of personal voice in first-year writing (FYW) courses and to interrogate how LLMs might intervene in a student-writer’s process of understanding their own personal voice.

Dr. Schnitzler research questions include: Can LLMs enable student to better understand markers of their personal voice in first-year writing (FYW) courses? How might LLMs intervene in a student-writer’s process of understanding their own personal voice?
Dr. Lisa Wright, Lecturer, University Writing Program, School of Arts and SciencesCurrent CDC data states, that Black women are “three to four times more likely to die during or after delivery than are white women.” As wild as that fact sounds those numbers do not fully communicate the impact of the maternal health crisis. It doesn’t communicate that Black infants are dying two to three times their white counterparts. Those facts don’t have faces or names.

Dr. Wrights research questions asks in what ways does the research and writing processes completed in the “Reintroduction to Writing: Black Birthing Women” course benefit future health professionals and students from various disciplines to build writing communities, reflective practices, empathy, awareness of the birth experiences in various cultures, challenges with the maternal health field, and develop areas of interest to continue in their future research?