Would you like to introduce your field to undergraduates? Would students benefit from small, skill-oriented half-semester courses? Would you like to introduce undergraduates to the types and standards of research in your discipline? Then consider offering a SOUL course!

These courses are small (enrollment 18 or fewer), 1-credit hour courses graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U-pass/fail) basis. Courses are to be academic in nature, but they can focus on skills that will be valuable to future study in the field. Course content should be accessible by freshmen and sophomores.

Courses run for five weeks, meeting either once or twice per week for a total of 12.5 hours of instruction time. No class sessions should be held during reading week or the final exams period. Some form of assessment is required, and student attendance is mandatory. 

All SOUL courses are to be taught in person. Instructors are paid $2000 per course. 
Eligibility: Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, or staff are eligible to teach SOUL courses.

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Key Dates:
Friday, January 12th: Course proposal form opens
Monday, February 5th at 11:59 PM: Deadline for submission
On or before Friday, February 16th: Applicants notified of their acceptance status
March 25- April 26: Spring 2023 Term II (5 weeks)

Course Proposal Form

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SOUL Program questions may be directed to Amber Glaros ([email protected]).

If you would like help with your course proposal, please contact Allon Brann ([email protected]) the Teaching Academy’s Teacher Support Specialist. Allon and the Teaching Academy staff will also be available to help with any of your teaching needs once your course is approved. Also note that teaching a SOUL course fulfills Phase III of the Teaching Academy’s certificate of completion program.