The KSAS Graduate Teaching Seminar is a workshop and forum for graduate students and post-docs interested in discussing teaching strategies and collaborating to generate solutions to challenges in the classroom. We welcome graduate students and post-docs from all Krieger School departments to attend any sessions that may be helpful for their teaching practice and professional development.
Spring 2025
This semester’s workshops will be an ongoing series focused on a single (but big!) topic: Discussion. What do successful discussions look like? How can we best plan and facilitate them? What’s the point of doing them at all? We’ll work on those questions, among others.
Workshops will take place on various Wednesdays from 12-1 pm eastern in Brody Learning Commons Room 4040. This is an in-person only workshop series.
Please see the registrations below for the sessions you plan to attend. If your plans change after you register, please make sure to contact Allon before the session. This helps us plan and ensures that your spot can go to someone else who’s interested.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email Allon Brann at [email protected].
February 5th: Introduction
Why should we have discussions?

February 19th: Planning (Note: this session runs until 1:15pm)
Which kinds of questions should we ask?

March 5th: Directions
How can we help students prepare?

March 12th: Management
How do we get everyone participating?

March 26th: Beyond Discussions
What other kinds of discussions could we have?

Note: Participants in the Teaching Academy Certificate of Completion program may count these workshops towards their Phase I requirement.